
2024-2025 Tuition Rates

2Day: $350 per month; 5 hours of programming weekly

3Day: $575 per month; 9 hours of programming weekly

PreK: $799 per month; 13.5 hours of programming weekly

Bunker Hill does not charge a materials fee and bases its tuition on a 10 payment installment cycle (from September to June).

Please note: there is a non-refundable $125.00 school registration fee. This fee is waived for returning and alumni families.

We ask current families to support the school with promoting and supporting fundraising efforts, with a requirement of $200 per family raised annually.

BHPPNS is fortunate to be able to provide financial aid to families in an effort to partner with parents in the education of their children. The Finance Committee will review applications confidentially and determine eligibility.

Bunker Hill Financial Aid Application